WipeSquad is set in a dystopian future where artificial intelligence has revolutionized the workforce, causing significant societal shifts. In this world, a global basic income has been implemented due to the predominance of robots in productivity, with energy serving as the main currency. Although this system has eradicated hunger and poverty, it also solidified a rigid caste hierarchy with inescapable strata. Even rare intercaste marriages bear legal consequences, indicating the depth of inequality.
The game immerses players in a society where economic and social disparities define every aspect of life. Navigating through the environment, individuals will encounter a range of challenges that stem from these harsh societal structures, offering an in-depth look at a world shaped by the omnipresence of technology and the power dynamics it ensues.
In conclusion, this interactive experience provides a unique lens into a world where every action and decision reflects the complexities of a society wrestling with the consequences of advanced technologies and entrenched social divisions. WipeSquad doesn't just offer entertainment; it serves as a thought-provoking glimpse into a potential future, inviting reflection on present realities and the path ahead.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.1 or higher required
I love the game 10out10